Två filmer som skapats i samarbete med Historieberättarna är uttagna till Tempo Short Award! ”You must have come from Hell” (Hayfaa Chalabi, Jonas Embring) och ”When I dance” (Lisa Partby, Jessica Karlsson tillsammans med Saraswathy Kalakendra Institution of Fine Arts. Filmerna kommer visas på biografer i Stockholm och även digitalt på Drakenfilm för den som vill titta. Hoppas vi ses på festivalen!

Mer info om festivalen finns här: https://tempofestival.se

#creativeeurope #storytelling

2 mars 2022

Utställning på Kulturhuset!

Just nu kan man ta del av Kulturhuset i Stockholm och ta del av unga konstnärers verk som ställs ut! I utställningen ”Babel Mixtape” visas textilkonst, dansfilm, animerad film och poesi! ✨
Mer info om verken och konstnärerna:

Utställningen sker i samarbete med Kulturhuset, Lava.

Kulturhuset in Stockholm young artists’ works are exhibited! The exhibition ”Babel Mixtape” shows textile art, dance film, animated film and poetry! ✨ More info about the works and the artists: https://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se/utstalln…/babel-mixtape

The exhibition takes place in collaboration with Kulturhuset, Lava.

#creativeeurope #storytelling

12 januari 2022

Kulturkväll på Kapsylen!

Det treåriga Kreativa Europa-projektet RAPPORT som Historieberättarna är en del av börjar lida mot sitt slut, och det är dags att blicka tillbaka på höjdpunkter, metoder och konstnärliga verk som skapats under projekttiden. Kom och ta del av filmer, poesi, textilkonst, samtal med deltagare/konstnärer och konstpedagoger, och även en release av dokumentärfilmen om RAPPORT-projektet. Det kommer finnas vegetarisk mat och bar! Eventet äger rum den 23/11. OSA till historieberattarna@gmail.com


Hoppas vi ses där!

11 november 2021

Bråkar med skuggor

”Bråkar med Skuggor” är en bok som hanterar ovisshet och saknad. När framtiden inte längre existerar och det förflutna bär på erfarenheter av smärta, sorg och lämnad kärlek så blir nuet en vän som inte alltid vill väl. Då finns skrivandet. Med skrivandets hjälp blir det egna rummet en del av världen och de egna tankarna blir till en dialog. En dialog med dig som läsare. Denna debut har kommit till under åren 2017-2020 av A.T som lever som ensamkommande flykting till Sverige. A.T:s ord: ”Skrivandet är min röst, min känsla av olika anledningar. Skrivandet visade mig hur jag kan uttrycka mig kring något på olika vinklade sätt. Jag brukar skriva om någon eller något, beroende på vad som händer i mitt liv, och det känns starkt att få ut det jag känner på papper, och att andra kan läsa mina dikter, och tolka på olika sätt”

Önskar du ett exemplar av denna poesibok? Maila historieberattarna@gmail.com

11 november 2021


”I am here, I am alive, I am present and I have a body (from the film Who am I in the dance by Saraswathy Kalakendra Institution of Fine Arts).

”I’m not waiting for anyone, I’m tired of this station” (from the poetry book Bråkar med Skuggor by A.T ).

”I shut my eyes. I shut my eyes so deep I want to sink back” (from the film You must have come from hell by Hayfaa Chalabi).

Historieberättarna is proud to present BABEL MIXTAPE. Meet art work created by artists and their stories expressed in various art forms. Welcome to take part in films, poetry, dance and other works at an exclusive online screening followed by a Q&A. 

Moderator: Historieberättarnas manager Anusha Andersson.

Hayfaa Chalabi
Saraswathy Kalakendra Institution of Fine Arts
Teatr Grodzki
ACTA Community Theater

Link to event on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/2mpsM0Cvo

#creativeeurope #historieberättarna #storytelling

1 september 2021

“There is always something happening after the other, just like how after one wave there is another”

(Quote by Sofia, participant in the project ”Dance and Storytelling”)

We had a lovely day recording the voice over together with the team from Saraswathy Kalakendra Institution of Fine Arts last Sunday. The film that we are making together is based on outcomes from our digital storytelling workshops in the project ”Dance and Storytelling”. Thank you for an inspiring day Sofia (Shweta), Antara, Akanksha, Maya, Shweta, Jessica, Usha Balasundaram and Lisa Partby! The film will be released later on this summer/fall and will also be a part of a show produced in collaboration with our European partners: Teatre Tantarantana ”Teatr Grodzki” Acta Community Theatre

#historieberättarna #CreativeEurope

27 maj 2021

Digital Creative Europe conference!

Historieberättarna’s Creative Europe conference was unfortunately cancelled in March, and our partners from Poland (Teatr Grodzki), England (ACTA community theater) and Spain (teatre Tantarantana) had to cancel their trips to Stockholm. However, we did the conference digitally a couple of weeks ago, and it turned out to work perfectly fine! The main purpose of the conference was to give the participants an insight of Historieberättarna’s creative working method.

Historieberättarna works with the senses as a source of inspiration for creation as a part of our method. In order to that, we did storytelling exercises with the senses of smell and taste, discovered ”soft impressions” in the forest with our sight, we did a storytelling exercise around a sparkling fire, a guided forest meditation, and we also did a stop-motion film in Zoom with our movements!

So even though the conference was digital, the participants got to visit the swedish virgin forest and experience it with all the senses. (and they also got material to work with with the post) We are so glad to hear that some of our partners now have started to use our method in their activities! 

#historieberättarna #CreativeEurope

30 november 2020


”Tell with textile” is a project where young participants work artistically with texts, images, patterns and screen technology on textiles. A series of banners / flags will be created, all of which tell something about the person who created them or communicates an important message. The creative process contains many different languages ​​and many stories, and parts of them will be shown in the exhibition! The project is running at a school in Stockholm and will be finished in May 2021.

Project leader is artist Cristina Schippa

#historieberättarna #CreativeEurope

26 oktober 2020


Sneak peek from Saturday’s shooting! The project ”Dance and Storytelling” is a collaboration between Saraswathy Kalakendra Institution of Fine Arts (led by @Ushabalasundaram) and Historieberättarna. We have worked together in digital storytelling workshops during the spring and summer, our IRL-reunion and film shooting at the dance scene in Vårby Gård was really something special! The film will be published later this year on this webpage.

Thanks to Akanksha, Antara, Harshita, Laasya, Saloni, Sandra, Sonia, Sofia, Maya och Shweta


2 oktober 2020


Since early spring, Historieberättarna and a youth dance group from the dance company Saraswathy Kalakendra Institution of Fine Arts have performed digital workshops together, with focus on storytelling and dance. In September we will do a film together based on the outcome of the workshops.

Last week, after a summer break, the participants shared their thoughts about movements in different situations. Shwetha shared: 

”In the first image, I have tried portraying a deer with a hand movement. I’m trying to show my thoughts through this particular image. So, when I see any animal or object I tend to think of a hand movement that depicts or portrays the real object or animal. Or any other living thing. 

The second image/hand movement portrays a bud of a flower. This image/hand movement next to a plant is to show the beginning of birth of a new life within a life in it’s own. Again the hand movement is something I think of when I see a real bud on a plant.

The third image/hand movement is trying to show a wave. This image is trying to show the movement of life where there is always something happening after the other just like how after one wave there is another”

#historieberättarna #CreativeEurope

19 augusti 2020


”I Hear the Forest” is a project in which Historieberättarna together with newly arrived youths carried out creative forest bathing walks. The participants had little or none experience of the Swedish forest. We walked in different forests, and discovered it with all our senses, through various creative exercises. ”Forest bathing” means just ”taking in the forest with all our senses”, and is originally from Japan, where the method is used as a health-promoting recipe for stress. The forest walks are done in collaboration with a forest guide with local knowledge of the forest we visit, and gives us interesting knowledge about nature. The participants also get to do film and photo exercises, and parts of the result are shown on the platform: https://www.kulturochskogen.com/om-projektet

”I hear the forest” is part of the RAPPORT-project.

#historieberättarna #CreativeEurope

12 augusti 2020


In spring 2020 Historieberättarna held a workshop about ”UN- Convention on the rights of the child” at an elementary school in Stockholm. Esemble Yria wrote the song ”For every child for every right” and pupils at the school sang and recorded it. The making of the music video was a part of the RAPPORT project. #historieberättarna #creativeEurope

12 augusti 2020